Originally Publish in 2010 in Tumblr
When I worked in schools the hardest thing I can remember learning didn’t have to do with students, discipline, parents, faculty or staff. It honestly had to do with me.
If you are a leader you are expected to cast vision and prepare a pathway for the mission of the organization. As a young administrator, learning my craft and paddling by hand, I made a few mistakes. The largest was…
- To be liked
- To make others happy
- To be liked
- To tell people what they want to hear
And I could go on and on. Make a decision, communicate it, and live by it. When you’re wrong, admit it. When you need to change course for the benefit of everyone…do it. The most difficult thing I learned was in being just stubborn enough and nice enough to find a “swift” enough current in the river of administration to avoid the rapids of leadership and find the right destination.