Things other people say

(Publihed in my Tumblr account Summer 2013)

There are great leaders, writing lots of great things about leadership.  This link will take you to a great article about a sermon, a walk, and trust.  If you don’t have time to read the whole thing, here’s the best part.

“Over the years I have witnessed the powerful changes that occur when team members care about each other and truly have each other’s backs. Trust-based organizations:

1.    Execute faster: Stephen Covey calls it “The Speed of Trust”.  A trust-based organization spends less time on formal communication and more time getting the job done. Speed = productivity.

2.    Innovate more: Employees who know the boss has their back think outside the box without fear of failure or retribution.

3.    Produce higher quality work:  Happy people simply care more and do better work because of it.

4.    Attract Customers:  If you think customers can’t feel the company culture, think again. They sense a trust-based organization intuitively and want to be associated with it.

5.    Have lower turnover:  After working within a culture of carefrontation it’s almost impossible to go back — and they don’t.”

In whatever environment you work in, people are intuitive and generally, they prefer to work in a place that cares about them.  But look at the order the author chose.  Trust = speed!  We spend so much time trying to figure out what’s going on we get nothing done.  Then come innovation and high quality, which attracts customers and leads to lower turn over.  Completely logical in every way.

Read the blog, when you have time.  It’s worth it.