The beginning of the case…

For the last nine months I’ve been researching and developing a plan to reload my nonprofit that’s been dormant while I journeyed back into the classroom as I wound down my teaching career.  The experience I gained reached beyond my wildest expectation.  The kid’s in my classroom were amazing people faced with some things I completely understood and others that were beyond my imagination.

I’m a tech guy.  If you know me, you know that I love gadgets and the promise of technology for education.  What I’ve witnessed first hand is a promise and a problem.  The video I’m going to share was created nearly 6 years ago.  The data they forecast was limited to 2013.  Yet it still rings true.  I ask you to watch the video and think how you’d function in a world that is so dynamic, so full of information and so scary for many.  How do we prepare our kids in our classrooms?

This is posted in Vialogues.  It was created and developed by a dedicated team of educators, researchers, and engineers from EdLab at Teachers College Columbia University.  Check it out sometime.