Something about me you need to know

Published in my Tumbler acct in 2013
editors note:  This fills my very being to this very day, even though sometimes the darkness does cast a shadow.

I grew up believing I could do anything!  I suppose if you know me you’d likely say I’m still growing up because I still believe that very same thing.  It’s not been the easiest credo in a world where people constantly tell you that “your” anything is impossible.

My first year out of college I had a supervisor, a pastor, that said, “if you would just choose something and do that one thing…you’d be great at it!”  My response to him was that “doing one thing” was not my purpose, nor my dream.  I’ve learned over the years that I was not put together that way.  I believe the very nature of my being is discovery and the thirst for knowledge. I just never had the focus or the attention span to do just one thing as the only thing.

As I said that “I can do anything attitude” is an incredibly difficult thing to protect and nurture throughout a lifetime.  It only happens when that spark inside of you continues to ignite a flame.  Sometimes that spark fizzles with pessimism and all that other “stuff”.

The reason I spent all those years in education was simply that I wanted to share that belief!  Sometimes I succeeded and other times…not so much!  Life happens and people change, but I’ll always believe my purpose is to live a life full of the possibility of…anything!