I must begin this post with an observation that some may find off putting. The Christmas posts I followed on Facebook were void of taking sides. There was almost, albeit for just a day, the ability to take our vast political differences and put them aside for the sake of family and Christmas itself. Yet, Christmas is one of the most controversial things on this planet?
1. Time is relative in all things
December? Just a response to the pagan solstice and the darkest time of year to bring in the light of the world? Some scholars direct us to March or sometime in the spring. The churches observation of this event in Christendom fits a liturgical purpose. Maybe it’s even the time of giving for tax purposes? I could go on and on. My truth is that I come to worship my God and celebrate the miracle of this loving deity as he comes to earth. His very unique creation.
2. You’re kidding right — Creation?
It keeps getting better doesn’t it? The foundation of Christmas isn’t just the birth of Jesus, but it’s the delivery system. Have you noticed that the Old Testament begins with something created from nothing and the New Testament begins with a very similar happening. The writers of the Gospels connect us to the beginning of time with a Virgin birth. Something, from nothing, so to speak.
I’m continued to reflect on my faith each time I come up with a question. I cannot fathom God in a certain way, matter or form. I don’t see God as Michael Angelo did, nor do I see him as the anyone else does today. I see God in the very being of my faith. How are these things possible? I have no idea and I don’t have to know.
3. Santa Claus and the commercialization of…
Our experience is that Christmas and Santa Claus is for kids. That may be very true. But wasn’t it an ancient teacher who rebuked his closest followers with the words, “Let the little children come unto me”? Our truth is that we love the innocent, genuineness of our kids because it draws into a better place. Our very adult reply to Virginia about if there really is a Santa Claus reminds us to be accountable to the very ideas found in the documents of our faith.
Society moans louder and louder about the first retail outlet to break the seal on Christmas Decorations. I’m not sure that’s a bad thing. Yes, I get irritated by it too! If I’m honest about my feelings though, maybe Christmas truly is something that should be celebrated throughout the year.
If I take one thing from my compromised, evil Facebook page it is this. My friends love their families and the time they spend together at Christmas. Sharing a meal, worshiping, or watching the eyes of they children on the morning where the greatest gift of all time was revealed.